Please lay claim to a specific organization that uses social media tools here asap, by posting which organization you would like to observe in a post, below. First come, first served. This assessment is due on Monday, March 26 - but you must "tune in" to the organization by March 1.The featured image is the Vermont independence flag. Dr. Williams will focus on Vermont Commons: Voices of Independence news journal, as his organization for social media analysis.PROJECT #2: Select one politically-focused organization that uses a “Social Media Suite of Tools” (at least three – Blogging, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube etc.), and “follow” them online for several weeks.
Then, provide a detailed blog post analysis in which you describe:
1) HOW your organization used each platform.
2) What kinds of information this campaign distributed via SM.
3) How this organization “organized” people around a cause using SM.
4) What kinds of interactions you observed online.
5) How effectively this organization used SM.
6) MOST IMPORTANT - The "mission" of this organization.